Lip Plumper News – CandyLipz Official Store

Lip Plumper News



    About The Author


Thienna, a Vietnamese boat person, holds 5 degrees including a BA in Economics, a BS in Microbiology, a Master in Genetic Engineering, a Master in Business Administration, and a PhD in Scientific Nutrition. She has 4 Guinness Book Of World Records previously held by men including the most sumo squats in 1 hr (5336), the longest wall sit (12 hrs) & most weight deadlifted in 1 hr (100,000 lbs} & 1 minute (4000 lbs). She won 13 awards for “Unlocking The Mystery Of Skin Color" & "Cooking On The Light Side”. She founded Thienna Inc. & CandyLipz LLC. & holds multiple patents. Her latest invention, CandyLipz, won 10 prestigious technical design awards. She was crowned woman inventor of 2013 in Seoul, Korea. She is the creator of The Sulfur Diet and is considered to be one the world’s leading experts in human skin color and skin health.


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Lip Plumper Reviews

Luscious Lip Pump: A Review

Who has the best Luscious Lip Pump hands down? Currently, there are a few luscious lip pumps on the market.  

  1. Jolie Lips: Lip Plumping System: $22.95 to $27.99.
  2. De Luxe Lip Plumper: $99.99 to $299.99.
  3. Luscious Lips by Cynthia Rowland: $49.99 to $99.99
  4. CandyLipz Xtreme Lip-Shaper System by Dr. Thienna Ho: $29.99 to $119.99.

    The price can range from $22.99 up to $299.99 for a system. All of these pumps use suction technology to increase the appearance of lip volume- but what are the differences between all of them? We are going to do an unbiased review of the technical aspects of all these luscious lip pumps.


    To better understand why the technical design of luscious lip pumps plays a crucial role in lip enhancement appearance, here are a few important facts about the lips:

    1. There are 5 lobes on the lips. The most difficult lobe to work on is lobe #2. Lobe #2 is extremely sensitive to suction. It is easily excited and has a tendency to enlarge quicker than the rest of other lobes if it is not managed correctly and gently. The Jolie Lips Plumping System, De Luxe Lip Plumper, and Luscious Lips by Cynthia Rowland use small suction openings to enhance the lips. When one applies a 1-inch diameter tube to the lips, most of the suction pulls the center of the lips. As a consequence, lobe# 2 might be overly exaggerated if the suction is left on too long while other lip lobes may need more time to be enhanced. To have well-balanced lips, these suction tools have to be moved to  the left (lobe #1 and #4) and/or right (lobe #3 and #5)  to complete the lip enhancement sessions. The results may be hard to control. One side could be much fuller than the other side.

    2. Getting the pouty lips look of youth is no easy task. Surgeons have been trying for decades to create the look of youth by injecting fillers to 15 anatomical zones of the lips. However, the results were less than satisfactory because the lips end up not looking natural.

     (Image credit: A New Classification of Lip Zones to Customize Injectable Lip Augmentation by Andrew A. Jacono, MD)

    Scientific studies show that lips start to thin out gradually after the age of 18 and 16 for females and males, respectively. As we age, the Cupid’s Bow become blunted and drooped. We also lose projection and definition of the upper lip.  This is why enhancement of the upper lip is a must if one wants to look youthful. The image below shows the 3 areas of the upper lip that are important in creating the youthful lip look:

     As of today, all experts agree that to get the pouty lips look of youth, both the lips and the upper areas of the lip must be enhanced. Otherwise, you will end up getting the classic trout-lip look of lip augmentation.

    Lip suction pumps that have very small openings are unable to tackle the upper lip areas shown in the image above. The results may be undesirable if your lips do not already have those features. Enhancing the lips alone may not be good enough.

    In summary, the Jolie Lips Plumping System, De Luxe Lip Plumper, and Luscious Lips by Cynthia Rowland will work for users who already have great Cupid’s Bow and upper lip projection and definition. If users are not looking for anything extreme, these pumps will do just fine if you learn how to use their pumps properly.

    Lastly, if you are looking to have a luscious lip pump that is designed and engineered specifically to work on the 15 anatomical lip zones ALL AT THE SAME TIME, the 7-times award winning CandyLipz Xtreme Lip-Shaper System is the lip pump for you. (See image of CandyLipz Enhancement Zone below). The lip pump not only uses suction technology but it has a brilliant advanced patent-pending lip-shaper technology inside the lip pump which allows users to shape and contour the lips- something not found in no other lip plumpers.

    The CandyLipz Lip Pump is designed to raise the arches of the Cupid’s Bow, enhance the projection and definition of the upper lip, and block the development of lobe #2. The lip pump also comes in two styles: Single-Lobed and Double-Lobed lower lip. The lip pump is small, attractive, and portable. It takes 1 to 2 minutes to use and the look lasts for up to 2 hours. The lip pump can be used hands-free so multitasking is a breeze.



    About The Author


    Thienna, a Vietnamese boat person, holds 5 degrees including a BA in Economics, a BS in Microbiology, a Master in Genetic Engineering, a Master in Business Administration, and a PhD in Scientific Nutrition. She has 4 Guinness Book Of World Records previously held by men including the most sumo squats in 1 hr (5336), the longest wall sit (12 hrs) & most weight deadlifted in 1 hr (100,000 lbs} & 1 minute (4000 lbs). She won 13 awards for “Unlocking The Mystery Of Skin Color" & "Cooking On The Light Side”. She founded Thienna Inc. & CandyLipz LLC. & holds multiple patents. Her latest invention, CandyLipz, won 10 prestigious technical design awards. She was crowned woman inventor of 2013 in Seoul, Korea. She is the creator of The Sulfur Diet and is considered to be one the world’s leading experts in human skin color and skin health.


    How to Lip Plumping

    How To Shorten Your Philtrum Naturally (Part 1)

    Lips. They shape a third of your face. They define your youth, beauty, health, and even sexuality. The length of the philtrum is defined as the distance under your nose and the lowest point of the mid Cupid’s bow. The ideal philtrum range for females is 11-13 mm and 13-15 mm formales. Some surgeons determine the perfect philtrum length by using the width of your iris.

    One of the major indicators which gives away your age is the lengthening of your philtrum. Males have longer philtrum than females by at least 2 mm. For every decade after the age of 18, both male and female upper lips lengthen on average  by 0.5 mm. By the time you reach the age of 60, your philtrum droops on average by 3.5  mm in length for females and 5 mm for males.

    There are four surgical procedures to help shorten the philtrum and two procedures may leave permanent scars where the incisions are made. Most people are frightened at the thought that if something goes wrong with the procedure, they will be left with a huge visible scar on the face! If surgical procedures are not your cup of tea, there is a 100% natural method for you to shorten your philtrum instantly. Read on and you will discover various methods available today.


    Here are a few surgical procedures you should know about. It is YOUR FACE- one mistake and you are left disfigured for life. Beware, a minor facial change produces a major change in your look. If after a permanent surgical procedure, you do not like the results, you are basically stuck with them. One thing you need to know about these procedures is that the philtrum  will revert to its  normal shape and length in 5 to 7 years. Remember, your philtrum continue to go through its aging process. You will have to redo this procedure eventually.

    1. Lip Lift Surgery (Bull’s Horn): This is a technique where the incisions are made under your nose. For some people, the scarring is unacceptable but it may make you look 5 years younger.  The average costs of  a lip lift is $3,000. Possible complications are asymmetry and hypertrophic scarring.





    2. Lip Advancement Surgery:  If you have very thin upper lip,  a small strip of skin along the curve of the Cupid’s bow can be removed to shorten the philtrum and it also enhances the definition of the Cupid’s bow. The cost for lip advancement surgery runs around $2,000. Complications with this lip advancement surgery are asymmetry and hypertrophic scarring.


    3. The Cupid’s Bow Surgery:  This is a procedure where three v-shaped incisions are made on the inside of the upper lip. The incisions are then stitched together and the flaps are pushed forward to create a more defined Cupid’s Bow and a fuller upper lip.  This procedure will not leave visible scar on your face.  The  average costs for this procedure may run  between $1,000 to $2,000.




    4. Lip Lift Suspension: In this procedure, a single suture is used to elevate the upper lip- in other words- a thread is used to tighten and anchor the tissue in place.  This procedure leaves no scar and it is reversible if you are unhappy with the result. In a clinical study of 92 patients, 85% of the people observed shortening of their upper lips. The cost runs around $2,000 to $3,000.


    3. Non-Surgical Lip Lift Using Ultrasound: Using this method, the ultrasound energy is used to tighten the skin without surgery or injections- in other words- heat is used to denature your collagen so it shrinks. There is no downtime following the quick procedure and the optimal results are seen within 3-6 months. This procedure produces very minor skin shrinkage for your upper lip and mouth areas. The average cost for the lips can range from $500 to $1,000 and over $4,000 for the entire face. You will need to do frequent touch ups to maintain your look.


    4. CandyLipz Lip Plumping Suction Method: This method is 100% natural. It uses a 3,500 years old suction method combined with patent-pending Lip-Shaper technology to naturally shorten the philtrum. The inventor of CandyLipz, Thienna,  was able to naturally shorten her upper lip by 6 mm after she used CandyLipz for 3 years. The improvement may not be drastic on first-time users. However, with daily use of the lip pump, your upper lip appears thicker and your Cupid’s bow raises. The upper lip will appear to have more definition and protrusion as seen in children and teenagers.

    Here is an old image of Thienna’s lips before she invented CandyLipz. She had a long philtrum and a drooping Cupid’s bow. The video below will show you her major transformation.


    About The Author


    Thienna, a Vietnamese boat person, holds 5 degrees including a BA in Economics, a BS in Microbiology, a Master in Genetic Engineering, a Master in Business Administration, and a PhD in Scientific Nutrition. She has 4 Guinness Book Of World Records previously held by men including the most sumo squats in 1 hr (5336), the longest wall sit (12 hrs) & most weight deadlifted in 1 hr (100,000 lbs} & 1 minute (4000 lbs). She won 13 awards for “Unlocking The Mystery Of Skin Color" & "Cooking On The Light Side”. She founded Thienna Inc. & CandyLipz LLC. & holds multiple patents. Her latest invention, CandyLipz, won 10 prestigious technical design awards. She was crowned woman inventor of 2013 in Seoul, Korea. She is the creator of The Sulfur Diet and is considered to be one the world’s leading experts in human skin color and skin health.


    How to Lip Plumping

    How To Shorten Your Philtrum Naturally (Part II)


    Philtrum- it is the vertical column in the middle area of the upper lip. The ideal philtrum range for females is 11-13 mm and 13-15 mm for males. To find your ideal philtrum height, measure the iris of your eye! Your philtrum should be equal to your iris. In females, a long philtrum is not desirable. A short philtrum signifies youth and beauty. Whereas a long philtrum makes a female’s face less feminine.


    AGE 8 12 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
    Female (mm) 15.5 16.2 16.2 16.7 17.5 18 19 19.5 20 21
    Male (mm) 15.5 17 18 18.5 20 20.5 21 21.2 21.5 21.6
    Credit: Zankle A, Eberle L, Molinari L, Schinzel A. Growth charts for nose length, nasal protrusion, philtrum length from birth to 97 years. Am J Med Genet 2003;119:95-8. About the Study: This study involved 2,500 healthy individuals of Central European origin ranging in age from birth to 97 years old. The data above showed the average philtrum height in both females and males.

    The table above shows that age affects the philtrum’s height. By the time we reach the age of 90, the philtrum may lengthen by as much as 5 mm for females and 6 mm for males. This is the reason why you can no longer see your teeth!

    There are invasive procedures to correct your long philtrum, but they may not be what you wanted. To shorten your philtrum naturally, you can try the following methods. These methods have been tested with great success for many years by THIENNA. It will take time to shorten your philtrum but it is really worth it. You must give it at least a year to see some results and it gets better with time.

    When you first try these methods, you will see an immediate result- so it is very encouraging. However, the result quickly reverts back to its natural setting. With daily practice for the past three years, THIENNA was able to shorten her philtrum by 6mm!

    METHOD 1: Plump your lips as large as possible using CandyLipz lip plumper. CandyLipz is designed to raise the arches of the Cupid’s bow and shorten the philtrum. You can see the video below from a first-time user. Notice her shorter philtrum.

    METHOD 2: (OPTIONAL- Suggested for individuals who have very long philtrums) To SET that look (meaning to freeze that position), you must get yourself a slimming face mask as shown below or you can easily make one for yourself with stretchy fabric. You must wear the slimming face mask as frequently as you can and while you sleep. A way to wear this face mask is to situate the face mask so that it pushes and holds up your upper lip in a higher position. Pucker your lips when you prepare to strap on the slimming face mask! Once the mask is on your face, leave your lips in that position


    AN ADDITIONAL ADVANTAGE OF WEARING A SLIMMING FACE MASK: Your face will get back its  youthful V-Shape form as observed in young individuals.


    About The Author


    Thienna, a Vietnamese boat person, holds 5 degrees including a BA in Economics, a BS in Microbiology, a Master in Genetic Engineering, a Master in Business Administration, and a PhD in Scientific Nutrition. She has 4 Guinness Book Of World Records previously held by men including the most sumo squats in 1 hr (5336), the longest wall sit (12 hrs) & most weight deadlifted in 1 hr (100,000 lbs} & 1 minute (4000 lbs). She won 13 awards for “Unlocking The Mystery Of Skin Color" & "Cooking On The Light Side”. She founded Thienna Inc. & CandyLipz LLC. & holds multiple patents. Her latest invention, CandyLipz, won 10 prestigious technical design awards. She was crowned woman inventor of 2013 in Seoul, Korea. She is the creator of The Sulfur Diet and is considered to be one the world’s leading experts in human skin color and skin health.


    Lip Plumper News

    CandyLipz Infomercial For Lip Enhancement

    Lips. They are so sexy and fascinating. They make you stand out in a crowd. Luscious lips are the hallmark of youth, beauty, fertility, and sexuality. Believe it or not, today, CandyLipz’s exclusive technology makes it possible for everyone to have the lips of their dreams. You do not have to be born with lips like a movie star but you can have them, in minutes- with CandyLipz- the all non-surgical, 100% natural and 100% safe method- known as the Xtreme Lip-Shaper System.  Imagine what it would be like if you could have sexy plump lips like a movie star.

    CandyLipz is the most exciting beauty innovation in the 21st century.  Whether to help with the appearance of your upper lip, lower lip, Cupid’s bow, drooping corners of the mouth, asymmetrical lips, or lengthened upper lip, CandyLipz is the beauty tool for you. Don’t wait any longer to get your CandyLipz. Watch CandyLipz AMAZING LIP ENHANCEMENT transformations from real people below. Thank you for time.

    CandyLipz lip enhancement results are made possible by the Patent Pending Advanced Lip Shaping technology embedded inside the suction beauty tool. After years of research and development, the internationally acclaimed inventor of Candylipz has created a 4-time award winning solution that shapes,  contours, and plumps the appearance of your lips instantly and painlessly. What is so exciting about CandyLipz is you get to choose your own lip size and look. It takes just a few minutes to transform your lips and the look lasts for hours. Imagine a new incredible you in minutes, more confident, more exciting, more sexy, and more youthful looking. You do not have to spend thousands of dollars to look like a movie star. CandyLipz technology makes it affordable for everyone to have unbelievable lips now.

    About The Author


    Thienna, a Vietnamese boat person, holds 5 degrees including a BA in Economics, a BS in Microbiology, a Master in Genetic Engineering, a Master in Business Administration, and a PhD in Scientific Nutrition. She has 4 Guinness Book Of World Records previously held by men including the most sumo squats in 1 hr (5336), the longest wall sit (12 hrs) & most weight deadlifted in 1 hr (100,000 lbs} & 1 minute (4000 lbs). She won 13 awards for “Unlocking The Mystery Of Skin Color" & "Cooking On The Light Side”. She founded Thienna Inc. & CandyLipz LLC. & holds multiple patents. Her latest invention, CandyLipz, won 10 prestigious technical design awards. She was crowned woman inventor of 2013 in Seoul, Korea. She is the creator of The Sulfur Diet and is considered to be one the world’s leading experts in human skin color and skin health.


    How to lip plumping

    How The Minimize A Gummy Smile


    o one likes to show a gummy smile. Are you unhappy about it?  In the ideal smile, the upper lip sits just at or above the top of the teeth.

    There are effective and safe methods you can follow to enhance your smile.


    1. Botox injections:Using this method, botox is injected on both sides of your vertical columns situated under your nose- known as the philtrum. When  Botox is injected into the upper lip muscle, it relaxes  your upper lip. As a result, less gum is exposed  when you smile because your lip muscle is semi-paralyzed.  This method costs between $200-300 and it lasts about 3  months. A negative aspect of this method is that it lengthens the upper lip. When you relax a muscle, it tends to hang loose. Most people consider a long upper lip is a sign of aging 


     2. Lip Filler Injections: Using this method, a gel-like clear substance such as Perlane or Juvaderm is injected in your upper lip. When doing so, this method augments the height of the upper lip slightly. As a result, less gum will be showing when you smile. The cost for this method can be very expensive. Depending on how thick you want your upper lip height to be, the cost starts at  $1,000 and goes up from there. The look lasts between 4 to 6 months.

    3. Lip Plumper Suction Devices: If you have a thin upper lip,  lip plumper devices such as CandyLipz can minimize your gummy smile by increasing the upper lip height. The CandyLipz method may be able to double or triple the height of your upper lip. The look lasts for up to 2 hours. Users need touch ups 2 to 3 times daily to maintain their look. It is 100% natural and the cost is just $69.99 for a one time purchase.



    If the temporary methods are not  for you, there are permanent methods! These methods are mild to aggressively invasive. They cut your skin and saw your bones. You can view the videos below if you can stomach them. The current successful methods are as follows:

    1. Gum Lifting Procedure (gingivectomy): If you do not have big teeth, this method may be for you. Do note that as we age, our teeth will appear larger because our gum lines recede. If you chose this method, know that your teeth will appear to look larger and larger with age. No one wants to have ‘horse teeth’.  Thus,  you must consider your options carefully. In this method, the gum line is raised so more of your teeth are showing. As a result, slightly less gum will be seen. It is crucial to know that the change is very minor. Typically, the gum line can only safely be raised by 2-3 mm. The cost may be between$1,000 to $2,000. 



    2. Lip Repositioning Surgery: This is a mildly-invasive surgical procedure where the inside of the upper lip is cut to remove a small strip of skin and the exposed cut is then sutured into the gum.  The procedure generally takes about 30-45 minutes. The minor  downside with this procedure is that the doctor can only remove a small amount of tissue of the inner upper lip. You might have to do the Gum Lifting procedure as well.  Cost is a huge consideration here. The cost for lip repositioning starts at $3,000.



    3. Othodonist Gum Screws Method: These procedures can be quite expensive. The cost varies from doctor to doctor. The average cost  is $6,000. This is a procedure where you get braces and at the same time, your dentist uses screws to shift and push your upper jaw upward. As a result, the gum is less exposed visually.


    4. Upper Jaw Surgical Method: If you have an extremely long upper lip and you show more than 1/4 inch of gum when you smile, the upper jar surgical method may be an option for you. It involves the cutting of your upper jaw bone. This is an expensive procedure and the cost varies from doctor to doctor.


    5. Muscle Incision Surgery: It involves incisions in the muscle that elevates the upper lip. For this procedure, the clinical trial showed that surgeons were able to reduce gum exposure ranging from 1.59 mm to 4.83 mm. (No other information is available for this procedure.)

    About The Author


    Thienna, a Vietnamese boat person, holds 5 degrees including a BA in Economics, a BS in Microbiology, a Master in Genetic Engineering, a Master in Business Administration, and a PhD in Scientific Nutrition. She has 4 Guinness Book Of World Records previously held by men including the most sumo squats in 1 hr (5336), the longest wall sit (12 hrs) & most weight deadlifted in 1 hr (100,000 lbs} & 1 minute (4000 lbs). She won 13 awards for “Unlocking The Mystery Of Skin Color" & "Cooking On The Light Side”. She founded Thienna Inc. & CandyLipz LLC. & holds multiple patents. Her latest invention, CandyLipz, won 10 prestigious technical design awards. She was crowned woman inventor of 2013 in Seoul, Korea. She is the creator of The Sulfur Diet and is considered to be one the world’s leading experts in human skin color and skin health.


    Lips Plumper News

    CandyLipz: The Celebrity File

    CandyLipz has been embraced by many celebrities, artists, talents, and models. Below is a short list of people who own CandyLipz!
    Mario Lopez is an American Television Host and actor. He has appeared on several television series, in films, and on Broadway. He is best known for his roles in A.C.  Slater on Saved By The Bell, Dancing With The Stars, and Extra.
     Mario Lopez And Dr Thienna


    She is known for her role in StarTrek.
    Chase Masterson and Thienna


    She is known for her role in Days of Our Life.
    Deidre Hall and CandyLipz


    She is known for her role in NCIS.
    CandyLipz Diane Neil


    Colton Hayes is known for his roles inTransformer and Teen Wolf.
    Maki Yali is known for her roles in Step Up 3D (2010), Geography Club (2013) and iCarly: iGo to Japan (2008).
    CandyLipz Colton Haynes Ally Maki


    Music/Artist/Song Writer
    Emeli Sande


    Dancing with the Stars
    CandyLipz Peta Murgatroyd


    He is known for his roles in Los Angeles, Prop 8: The Musical, Entourage, and NCIS.
    CandyLipz Celebrity File


    She is known for her roles for TV Series Barmy Aunt Boomerang, Producers of Da Vinci Code Tour, Laura McKenzie’s Traveler, Contact, and American Adventure.
    Laura McKenzie and Thienna


    She is known for her role in the Young and the Restless.
    Kate Linder and CandyLipz


    She is known for her roles in Bobby Valention  Music Video, Miguel, Girls Like  Music Video, Waste Away From Solmaz Saberi, and So Raven.  She is standing next to Thienna.
    Nazanin Mandi & Nadia Mohammadpour CandyLipz


    He is known for The Nerd Who Kisses Bar Refaeli In Go Daddy Super Bowl Ad.
    Jesse Heiman


    He is known for his roles in Let Me In, Balls of Fury, Miss Behave, and The Cleaner.
    CandyLipz Celebrity File


    He is known for his role in The Method.
    Julio Cesar Chavez and CandyLipz


    Toks Olagndoye is known for her roles in The Neighbors, Brown Sugar, Come Back To Me, and Dorito-Hibition.


    Disney Singer Stars


    Movie producer of Find Me Guilty, Even Money, Baja Run, and Guns and Lipstick.


    XFactor artists/Singers


    Known for Teen Wolf and Thienna with Makeup Artist Christopher Tolentino.


    He is known for Breaking Bad.


    She is known for her roles in Argo, Children of Men, and Singularity.

    About The Author


    Thienna, a Vietnamese boat person, holds 5 degrees including a BA in Economics, a BS in Microbiology, a Master in Genetic Engineering, a Master in Business Administration, and a PhD in Scientific Nutrition. She has 4 Guinness Book Of World Records previously held by men including the most sumo squats in 1 hr (5336), the longest wall sit (12 hrs) & most weight deadlifted in 1 hr (100,000 lbs} & 1 minute (4000 lbs). She won 13 awards for “Unlocking The Mystery Of Skin Color" & "Cooking On The Light Side”. She founded Thienna Inc. & CandyLipz LLC. & holds multiple patents. Her latest invention, CandyLipz, won 10 prestigious technical design awards. She was crowned woman inventor of 2013 in Seoul, Korea. She is the creator of The Sulfur Diet and is considered to be one the world’s leading experts in human skin color and skin health.



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    The CandyLipz Team

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    Real Results, Real Users: Amazing CandyLipz Lip Plumping Videos

    Experience real results with CandyLipz! Check out these incredible lip plumping videos from our amazing users.

    Watch more here: CandyLipz Instagram

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    The CandyLipz Team